Saturday 7 February 2009


Pink was the colour of my newly five year old's dress that she wore to her birthday party - cinema and pizza with three friends. Pink was also the colour of her tights, top, cardigan and hair band. She got to choose her outfit.

Pink was the colour of Little Girl#3's vomit half way through the 20 mile journey to the cinema. Cue much retching and scraping off of vomit with used wrapping paper (why, oh why did I celebrate the day I stopped carrying babywipes in my handbag? And why, oh why in the name of all that's holy was her vomit pink?).

Pink was the colour of my cheeks in the cinema as seventeen children all around us kept asking "Eeewwww... What's that smell?". Wrapping paper is not up to a babywipe job.

Pink was the colour of my cream top after an overambitious trip to the Ice Cream Factory. Damn that strawberry sauce and those tiny Pizza Hut bowls!

Blue was the colour of my language after I returned three oversugared little girls home (I hope mum of Little Girl #3 didn't think that plastic bag had party favours in it?) only to have my smug triumph (as sole party chaperone) destroyed by husband howling about the state of his car and weeping into a bottle of Febreeze.


  1. Poor you! I don't remember life being this complicated before children, do you?

  2. Still less stressful that the joint birthday village hall affair last year. I still have the scars (and the credit card bill).

  3. LOL sorry for laughing but its funny because it happened to someone else as thats usually the sort of thing that happens to me :-D
    well done for coping admirably under extreme stress and lets just hope the febreeze works ;-)
    Lesley x

  4. hi sorry about this but on previous post i was trying to amend my post (lazy typing bad grammar etc!) anyway ended up deleting two and now cant comment on that post!! apols!!!
